I feel

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Раздел: Соломина

I wanna go your way
I wanna leave yesterday
Behind the old me
I wanna beat my fears
be not like I used to be
Just set my soul free

But if I flew just like a bird from you
Now would you try
And fly right by my side
And if I soared would you bring down that door
Seeing me reaching for the sky

Its time to take a stand
Time you re acted like a man
When you`re with me
Ain’t gonna waste my time
Don’t wanna walk behind
the weakness in you

But if I flew just like a bird from you
Now would you try
And fly right by my side
And if I soared would you bring down that door
Seeing me reaching for the sky

I just wanna change key
Loose the chains around me
Im outta here
You`d have me locked in the box
Taking over my thoughts
Feeling changes in me

But if I flew just like a bird from you
Now would you try
And fly right by my side
And if I soared would you bring down that door
Seeing me reaching for the sky

But if I flew just like a bird from you
Now would you try
And fly right by my side
And if I soared would you bring down that door
Seeing me reaching for the sky

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